At this time of year, it is wise to organize my thoughts as to what I
shall endeavor to do. Now the farm and gardens are still covered in
snow. The recent big storm left thigh high snow drifts making the
necessity of nearly continual use of the tractor driven snow blower.
The worst in years. Some locals remember years and years ago the
weather was so bad that no crops or gardens could be planted. I have
hopes it won’t be that bad this year. A number of trees have fallen
down over the electric fences, and some steel roofing has been stripped
from buildings… the usual problems. Walking to and fro feeding the
farm animals is easier now than before when it was a sheet of ice. We
have to wear studded clamp-ons our boots to navigate the ice. It was a
concern because I know I don’t bounce nearly as well as I use to.
Buildings are moving up and down from the frost creating problems with
doors. Last year the 8 foot railway tie posts virtually all came out
of the ground around the livestock paddock. These had been set 4 feet
into the ground (clearly not deep enough for our winters here) and had
to be replaced with 10 foot big round poles, foot + in diameter, set 6
feet in the ground. They are still there!
Seed catalogs are parroused and orders sent. I try to experiment
with new plants each year just for fun, and if they grow well –hooray!
This year a change in part for crops, as our youngest daughter has
just moved her business to a bigger premises on main street Amherst –
a deli The Art of Eating, and I am ordered to grow some of her food
for the deli. This is a challenge as we get frost up to mid-June so
to sow seeds in May means either I have to warm up some of the beds
with plastic or grower’s fabric and hay mulch, plant under them, and
hope to protect the plants against frost. Likewise in the fall, the
risks are there as frost can occur in early September. At any rate we
will get something for the kitchen. I am finding that gardening is
taking longer and bags of animal feed are much heavier than they use
to be. I am blessed with having Malkiel (co-author of Sacred
Stewardship) to help me in the gardens and occasionally others. This
year I shall use cover crops for some beds as a rest for the soil
planting winter rye which is alleopathic to weeds, buckwheat for soil
conditioning and in the fall maybe oats.
This year, I am considering an experiment with dandelions, they have
many uses, and I have many growing here and there. To grow them on
purpose in one patch has advantages for both continuous salads in the
spring and easy access to roots in the fall. However, I don’t know if
I can buy the seed anywhere?! If not, I shall have collect seeds from
the best plants for sowing next year. I hope I am not losing my mind.
I will be attending the Psychic Fair Halifax Forum April 12-13,
lecturing and demonstrating alternative ways of growing food, dowsing,
radionics, etc. I am taking some small packets of bean seeds that I
have been treating radionically. In 12 days of treatment, the seed’s
energy (measuring general vitality and love here) increases up 8
times. Hopefully these energies will be induced into the plants and
then to those who eat them. Consider starting your own seed selection
for the future and swap seeds with friends.
Next blogs
- Suggested solution to our economic problems
- Parity and new wealth
The Art of Eating Deli on facebook:
Psychic Fair in Halifax:
Our book Sacred Stewardship: